I have not used this but as far as i can remember this is used for paging.
Some one told me long time back that when u design games, u use video
paging to speed up the display. what happens is u populate a page in the background
and u flip so as to avoid snowing and other assmebly lanauge
related problems.
I have not done it but if u get stuck send me a mail I will be more than happy to help u
my email address is on the contact page.
AH = 05h
AL = new page number (00h to number of pages - 1) (see #0009)
Desc: specify which of possibly multiple display pages will be visible
Note: to determine whether the requested page actually exists, use AH=0Fh
to query the current page after making this call
SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=43h,AH=45h